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In POG, transactions are contained in blocks. These blocks must be verified by more than 60% of Prime Delegates to be accepted by the network.

For more information on this process, check out voting

Blocks contain several fields:

Block Header

field type size description
timestamp u64 64 bit seconds of UTC time since Unix epoch (defined by the first node which sees the transaction)
signature bytes 512 bit signature of the block contents
publicKey bytes 256 bit account's public key

Block Contents

field type size description
version enum up to 32 bit block version
signatureType varint up to 32 bit only Ed25519 currently
height varint (unsigned) up to 64 bit the block height (block index); starts at 0
balance varint (unsigned) up to 64 bit the new account ballance after applying all transactions
previous bytes (optional) 256 bit hash of the previous block
transactions Transaction variable all transactions included in the block (limited to 255 unique transactions)

Block IDs

Block IDs have to be unique as long as the block content is a valid new block, so block hashes are their ids.

Broadcasting Blocks

Newley-created blocks need to be published to all Prime Delegates. These then publish their decision (accept or deny the block) to all other Prime Delegates and a subset of non-prime representatives (gossip about gossip).

To learn more about delegates, check out our page about them


There are currently 4 different types of transactions:

To create a new account, the account owner must create the open block.

field type size description
type enum variable Managed Account (0) or Autonomous Account (1)

This sends the funds out of the owners account and sets the block to pending until it is claimed by a receiving account.

field type size description
reviever bytes up to 32 bit account is being transfered to
amount uint64 64 bit amount of transfered to that account
data bytes variable any data associated with the transaction

Since only the account owner can add blocks to their own account chain, receiving funds involves creating a claim block to collect the pending transaction.

field type size description
transactionID bytes up to 32 bit transaction being claimed

Assigns a new delegate for the account.

field type size description
representative bytes 192 bit account being delegated

Transaction IDs

To ensure transaction IDs are unique, they're calculated as follows:

tx_id = sha3(block_hash + tx_hash);

ID Encoding

Block and Transaction IDs should always be encoded as bytes when used over the wire. When presented on user-facing interfaces, like for addresses z-base-32 should be used. However, in addition to this they should be prefixed with blk-/txn- (there prefixes should be optional but be displayed by default). Example: blk-t518zdq98f6yah4c18zgyirkyouz5zq4wzaj8gw3wuej897hs5jo (56 chars)